Erie Elementary School’s Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Thank you for another great week. It was super fun getting to see the students participate in our spirit week this week. I loved seeing them all dressed up for school pictures on Wednesday. Thank you to our PTCO volunteers who helped out in making sure it flowed efficiently and making sure the kids were looking their best! Good luck to our EHS tigers in their homecoming game, I hope to see some of you there!

Have a great weekend!

Message from PTCO

Please take a moment to OPT-IN to the 24-25 EES Student Directory! 

Click here:

Complete the form for EACH student that attends EES. If you completed the form last year, you need to complete it again this year. The deadline to be included is October 1st! You will only receive a printed directory if you opt-in. Directories will be distributed in mid-October via Friday folders. Questions? Please email

Looking Forward: Jog-a-Thon is October 2nd! Please check this Friday’s folders for more information! 

News & Reminders

Please remember we do not allow animals on school property during school hours. If you bring a pet with you when picking up or dropping off your child it must remain on the public sidewalk or in your vehicle. Thank you for keeping our kids and each other safe and comfortable at school.

Enroll Now: Space Available in Preschool and Wraparound Pre-K Programs for 2024-2025
St. Vrain Valley Schools offers a variety of high-quality early childhood education options, including preschool and wraparound pre-k care programs, designed to meet the needs of families in our communities. St. Vrain Valley’s programs provide a comprehensive and supportive learning environment for our youngest learners. Space is still available at various district locations for children ages 3 to 5.
Click to learn more about early childhood education options and how to enroll your child.

St. Vrain Valley Schools Hosts Annual Musical Instrument Drive
Donate gently used musical instruments to support St. Vrain Valley Schools’ music program during our annual collection drive. Drop off your contributions at the Lincoln School building at 619 Bowen St. in Longmont on Thursday, Oct. 3 (12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or Friday, Oct. 4 (9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) and receive a donation receipt. Your generosity enriches our classrooms, provides instruments for students, and enhances our district’s music programming.
Click to learn more.

A child safety class will be facilitated at Erie Elementary School, to K-5 students, during the weeks of Oct 14 and 21.  More information can be found in your child’s Friday folders.  Please complete this one question survey to indicate whether or not you give your child permission to participate in this important program.

Exciting Opportunities!

We have some fun art opportunities this year. Please see this flyer to learn more and then follow the instructions for signing the permission form in Infinite Campus. This is for all students!

Volunteer Opportunities

If you would like to volunteer in at school there are so many ways to do so. You can reach our to your child’s teacher to see what they may need. Our wonderful PTCO also is a great way to find out about how to volunteer. If you are planning to volunteer, we need you to fill out this form and turn it in to the front office.

Spirit Wear!

Erie Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale is in full swing featuring all new designs! Order now and you’ll save 30% off the entire site.

IPAD Insurance

Please look into getting insurance for your child’s district iPad. The deadline to purchase is 10/1/24 and it is highly recommended.


PTCO Announcements

The Jog-a-thon is Erie Elementary School’s only fundraiser for the year. In this fun school-wide event, students gather pledges from family and friends, promising to run laps in return for their support. The money raised goes directly to benefit the school and its programs. Anything from field trips to supplies and learning software for classrooms, to providing dinner to the teachers on long conference days.

As the event approaches, information will be provided on how to sign up for Boosterthon, the platform we use to track pledges and donations. Ms. Apple, the gym teacher, will help prepare the kids for the run.

There will also be classroom prizes awarded on certain days leading up to the event, so be sure to keep an eye on the principal’s newsletter and our social media channels for updates.

The jog-a-thon will be on October 2 at Erie Elementary School, we invite all parents and families to come out and cheer on their kiddos as they run. A detailed schedule for the day will be shared closer to the event.

Kind Regards,
Micah Frank, PresidentJenna Bullard, Vice PresidentErie Elementary School PTCO


We value our partnership with families. If you have any questions, concerns, feedback, or general wonderings please reach out to myself or Mrs. Sisk directly. We love the opportunity to partner with our community, solve problems and build relationships!

Upcoming Events

September 16th- 20th Spirit Week

September 18th- Picture Day

September 18th- Restaurant Night at Chipotle in Lafayette

September 20th- PTCO Drive in Movie Night

October 1st, 3rd, and 9th Parent Teacher Conferences

October 2nd – Jog- A- Thon

October 11th – No School

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Erie Elementary School