Behind the Scenes of Summer in St. Vrain Valley Schools

Behind the Scenes: Summer excellence in St. Vrain Valley Schools. Workers are shown engaging in summer preparation for school.

As students, teachers, and staff return to start the 2024-2025 school year, many departments across the district have continued working through the summer months to ensure that classrooms, facilities, devices, and technology infrastructures are ready to support all of the rigorous learning opportunities that St. Vrain provides to students.

District Technology Services

St. Vrain Valley Schools’ District Technology Services (DTS) team has been hard at work over the summer, making sure that both the network and device support teams are ready for the new school year. The networking team has undertaken significant projects, including replacing and upgrading network software and equipment. 

On the device support side, the team replaced all printers and provided extensive training for staff on the new equipment. A major initiative involved preparations to distribute new iPads, with plans to sell old devices to generate funds for the district and promote sustainability. They also supported new teachers by setting up laptops and iPads and training them on essential software and systems, helping them to be ready for the classroom from day one.

DTS integrated student workers, apprentices, and interns into their summer operations, offering valuable real-world experience and mentorship opportunities. Interns have been instrumental in preparing new teachers’ technology setups, emphasizing the department’s commitment to hands-on learning and professional development for future tech professionals. “Giving the summer help teams an opportunity to see what a professional work environment looks like and being mentors to them, such as how to handle certain scenarios in the future is one of my favorite parts of our summer work” explained Sean Shepard, Lead Technical Support Analyst.

By conducting these extensive updates and preparations during the summer, the DTS team minimizes disruptions to the school year, providing a stable and efficient technological environment for students and staff.

“The work we do is to ensure that we are able to provide a stable connection [and] stable resources for students and staff so their downtime is minimized, and that way their teaching and learning time is maximized,” shares Gina Lacy, Director of IT Operations and Infrastructure. “We’re constantly upgrading and evolving. Technology is changing so quickly, and we need to keep evolving to stay up with it.”

Custodial Services

St. Vrain’s Custodial Services team also plays a vital role in preparing the schools for the new academic year. Over the summer, the team undertakes extensive cleaning projects, including stripping and waxing floors, extracting carpets, and deep-cleaning various areas of the buildings with specialized equipment. This thorough process makes certain that every corner of the school is pristine, from the lights and walls to the furniture and floors.

“We want our buildings to look the absolute best that they can,” says Vi McHugh, Head Custodian at Sunset Middle School. “It sets the tone for the day so that students can have a good day and be able to learn in a nice, clean, safe environment.”

This summer work is crucial as it sets a high standard for cleanliness that benefits students, teachers, and staff. By completing these projects when school is not in session, the team avoids disrupting daily activities and mitigates safety risks. The impact of their efforts is evident when students and staff return to a sparkling clean environment, which not only enhances the overall appearance of the school but also creates a positive and welcoming atmosphere. A clean and well-maintained building helps set a productive tone for the school year, allowing everyone to start fresh in a safe and pleasant learning environment.

Teachers and Professional Development

Through the summer months, many teachers across the district spend time taking professional development courses and engaging in other learning opportunities to help them continue to expand their knowledge and improve their craft to best serve the students that enter their classrooms.

One example is the Advanced Placement Summer Institute, which is a weeklong professional development course organized by CollegeBoard to give teachers who teach Advanced Placement courses additional training and resources to help their students be successful and achieve high levels of success on the exams. Summer professional development is key for keeping educators updated on the latest standards and practices. 

“It’s important for educators to be knowledgeable about current standards, pedagogies, and best practices,” shared Carlie Ekx, an English teacher at Skyline High School. Matt Samson, a social studies teacher at Longmont High School, highlighted that “summer PD helps alleviate the stress of starting a new school year and keeps teachers aware of technological advancements.”

These programs provide teachers with innovative strategies and resources to benefit students. Ultimately, summer professional development helps teachers meet the evolving needs of their students, creating a successful and challenging learning experience for every student.

The dedicated efforts of St. Vrain’s teachers, District Technology Services, and Custodial Services during the summer have made sure that St. Vrain Valley Schools are well-prepared for the new academic year. These behind-the-scenes activities create a supportive and efficient learning environment, demonstrating the district’s unwavering commitment to providing high-quality education and fostering student success. As the 2024-2025 school year approaches, the collective hard work over the summer months will undoubtedly contribute to a positive and productive year for all.

Erie Elementary School